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Class SentimentAnalysisResult

With Sentiment Analysis, AssemblyAI can detect the sentiment of each sentence of speech spoken in your audio files. Sentiment Analysis returns a result of POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, or NEUTRAL for each sentence in the transcript.

To include Sentiment Analysis in your transcript results, add the sentiment_analysis parameter in your POST request when submitting files for transcription and set this parameter to true, as shown in the cURL request on the right.

Once the transcription is complete, and you get the result, there will be an additional key sentiment_analysis_results in the JSON response.

For each sentence in the transcription text, the API will return the sentiment, confidence score, the start and end time for when that sentence was spoken, and, if applicable, the speaker label for that sentence. A detailed explanation of each key in the list of objects returned in the sentiment_analysis_results array can be found in the below table.


  • SentimentAnalysisResult




confidence?: number

Confidence score for the detected sentiment, between 0.0 and 1.0.

end?: number

Ending timestamp (in milliseconds) of the text in the transcript.

sentiment?: string

The detected sentiment POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, or NEUTRAL.

speaker?: null | string

Speaker A, Speaker B, etc. if using the speaker_labels option. 1 or 2 if using the dual_channel option.

start?: number

Starting timestamp (in milliseconds) of the text in the transcript.

text?: string

The transcription text of the sentence being analyzed

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